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Pull Starts

Nitro Pull Start Repair Service - All pull starts


XTM Throttle Linkage with servo horn XT XT2 ST & Mammoth & GV


Pull Start suitable for the Kyosho GX 12 and 15 engines.


Pull Start suitable for the CEN NT 16, & NX16 engines


COPS Hyper Pull start Repair kit for High Compression Nitro Engines.


HPI 3.5, K4.6 and K5.9 Pull Start kit. Unbreakable cord, & 12mm Starter shaft


SH Nitro Engine one way bearing TS005 - for SH engines. 9919570


Nitro Engine 12mm Starter Shaft. Fits XTM, SH, Force, and converts HPI, TS004


Tamiya & Thunder Tiger Nitro One Way bearing Insert Pro 21R & TGS 43504


1/10 Guaranteed Unbreakable Pull Start Cord 55cm


Nitro * Guaranteed Unbreakable* Kevlar Pull start + bearing and screws. Universal fit 1/10 & 1/8


12mm one way bearing replacement + 4 x Pull Start Screws Bolts


14mm One Way Bearing for Kyosho and CEN etc


Out of stock.

Pull Start repair kit for Nitro Engines. Includes Spring, Handle & Kev-lar Cord


Thunder Tiger one way bearing 13mm


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Thunder Tiger Pro Pull start PN0073 for TS4N and SSK


HPI Nitro Star Pull Start


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Replacement one way bearing insert.


Pull Start Screws


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