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Tamiya (Carson) Stick Style controller and Servo set 2.4Ghz
USED - 2.4Ghz 3CH RC Ace RC Cougar Thunder Tiger P2 Complete Radio Controller set
2.4GHZ 3CH RC Radio Transmitter & Receiver controller set + built in failsafe
2.4GHZ 3CH RC Transmitter, Receiver and Servo set + Battery holder and Switch. built in failsafe.
Out of stock.
RC Controller Transmitter protective carry bag. Fully padded with strong zip
Out of stock.
Failsafe protection device for use with all Nitro RC cars / Trucks / Truggys.
2.4GHZ 3CH RC Transmitter, Receiver and Servo set + built in failsafe.
2.4GHZ 3CH RC Radio Transmitter & Receiver controller set + built in failsafe.
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