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We are a friendly bunch at RCScrapyard, but occasionally we have been caught out by dishonest buyers who purchase an item and then return their faulty one for a refund, claiming "it broke in the post!"
For this reason, we will only accept the return of used spares by prior agreement only, so please contact us if you wish to return something.
If agreed, returns will only be accepted within 30 days of purchase, and the buyer is responsible for the return postage. The item will be inspected on arrival and a refund processed within 24 hours.
For all new items or items in retail packaging, a refund will be provided only if the package arrives back to us unopened. Most items come in clear bags so it is easy to check fit prior to opening.
We are Human Beings, and we don't bite, so if in doubt, please pick up the phone or send us an email to discuss your query.
Tel: 07876 677762
Thank you for your understanding.